
3 easy steps to get what you want

I wanted to give you a simple version of how you can easily get what you want, wrapped into a 3-step formula.

The first step is identifying your desire – Sounds easy, right? Most people are not very good at knowing what they do want, however, they’re very good at knowing what they don’t want.

The second step is giving your desire attention. It is natural that you receive more of what you give your attention, energy and focus to.

The third step is allowing your desire to materialize. Wondering why you’re not manifesting your desires? The speed at which your desires come to you depends on how much you’re allowing.

I will be following up with posts on every single one of these 3 steps where I go into more detail.


  • Joseph Mayer

    A life-long searcher of the truth I have discovered all the answers are within you. All you need to do is listen to HIS voice and the guidance which comes from above. I opened this site to share my experience and insights with you and help you on your way to a better life.

Published by Joseph Mayer

A life-long searcher of the truth I have discovered all the answers are within you. All you need to do is listen to HIS voice and the guidance which comes from above. I opened this site to share my experience and insights with you and help you on your way to a better life.

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