
Step 1: Identifying your desire

The very first step in getting guidance from above for you is to be clear and specific about what you want.

The challenge, however, is that most people are not very good at knowing what they do want but they are good at identifying what they don’t want.

Don’t worry, knowing what you don’t want is actually good news, and that will become a useful tool to you.

The moment you identify something in your life that you don’t like, and you spend time complaining about it, talking about it, or declaring that you don’t want it, you are offering a negative vibration to which the law of attraction swiftly responds.

But knowing what you don’t want makes you become clearer about what you do want. Simply ask yourself this: “what is it that I do want?”

The key to getting what you want without getting stuck focusing on what you don’t want is to briefly observe the the contrast-conflict.

The contrast-conflict is anything you don’t like, doesn’t make you feel good, or causes you to be in a negative mood.

Only you can decide how long briefly is.

Generally, the least amount of time you spend putting your attention, energy and focus toward contrast-conflict, the better.

Choose an area in your life that you would like to change.

On Side A, list the things that are troubling you about your situation.

For example, if you are building a contrast-conflict list about your ideal career, your list may include long hours or low payment.

Feel free to refer to a number of past jobs to help you build your list.

Take lots of time to complete this list.

Remember, adding more items to your conflict-contrast list will give you more clarity.

I suggest you add 50-100 items.

Build it up over a few days to ensure that you have thought of all the relevant episodes.

After you have completed building the contrast-conflict list on Side A, read each item and ask yourself “So, what do I want?” and complete Side B of the worksheet.

By using this technique, you will have a better understanding of what you do want (clarity of desire) by listing what you don’t want (contrast-conflict).

After you have reached clarity, simply cross off the matching item of contrast-conflict.