
Step 3: Allowing your desire to materialize

Now some of you may be saying that you’ve had desires in the past that got you excited, yet they never resulted in anything.

Keep in mind, though, that this is a 3-step process.

You’ve identified your desire and given it your attention.

The third step is allowing your desire to materialize, so let’s begin.

Allowing is simply the absence of negative vibration and doubt is a negative vibration.

In fact, allowing is the most important step of the process.

You may have heard the saying “just allow it”.

Telling yourself this doesn’t help you to allow.

If you doubt you can have something, you are sending a negative vibration.

This negative vibration is cancelling the positive vibration of your desire.

Simply put, having strong desire (positive vibration), and having strong doubt (negative vibration), cancel each other out.

Therefore, allowing occurs in the absence of doubt.

You know you are allowing something when you hear yourself saying statements such as:

  • “Ah, what a relief!”
  • “You know, maybe I can have this.”
  • “Now this feels possible.”

In all three of the above expressions, what you are actually describing is the feeling of the negative vibration being removed.

Most people say that allowing is the most difficult step in this simple formula – It’s not the most difficult step, it’s only the least understood.

Most people don’t understand how to allow so they become frustrated when people say “just allow it”.

Allowing can be explained through a simple children’s game – here’s how it works.

A number of marbles rest on sticks that criss-cross through a clear cylinder.

The sticks represent resistance/doubt, the marbles represent desire, and the fallen marbles represent manifestation (allowing).

In the course of the game, the sticks are removed allowing some marbles to fall to the bottom of the cylinder.

But the only way the marbles will fall is if the sticks are removed.

In the same way, having a strong desire is not enough – it is only when your resistance is removed that your desire is manifested.

The faster your resistance is removed, the faster your desire can be realized.

Simply put, the speed at which the law of attraction manifests your desire is in direct proportion to how much you are allowing.

  • Having a strong desire with strong doubt means your desire will not be manifested.
  • Having a strong desire with just a little bit of doubt means your desire will come through slowly.
  • Having a strong desire with no doubt means your desire will be manifested quickly.

Step 2: Giving attention to your desire

To increase your vibration simply means to give your desire more positive attention, energy and focus.

It is not enough to merely identify your desire, you must also give it positive attention – giving it positive attention ensures that you are including the vibration of your desire in your current vibration.

With guidance from above you get more of whatever you give your attention, energy, and focus to.

If, however, you identify your desire and don’t give it attention, energy, and focus, there is no help given.

The key here is to identify your desire and continue to give it attention.

As you’re giving it attention, you are now including the vibration of your desire in your current vibration.

Your current vibration is what the guidance from above responds to.

Some people are good at identifying their desires and then they tuck their list of desires away and never give it attention again, but the guidance from above can only respond to what you’re giving your attention to.

In what follows, we will explore the idea that every one of us is surrounded by a vibrational bubble, where all of our current vibration is store.

You must be sure to include the vibration of your desire in your current vibrational bubble.

Imagine that you have a bubble that is surrounding you and capture within this bubble are all the vibrations you are sending out.

The guidance from above is responding to whatever is inside your vibrational bubble.

It is essential to understand that all your goals, dreams, and desires are outside of your vibrational bubble.

If they were inside your vibrational bubble you would already have them and be enjoying them.

Now that you have new clarity about your desire, it’s necessary to include that vibration in your current vibration because that’s what the guidance from above responds to.

If you create your desire list and put it away in your sock drawer, your desire won’t manifest because guidance from above doesn’t respond to things in a sock drawer. It only responds to what is currently in your vibrational bubble.

Notice that when you say “no” to something, you just gave it attention, energy, and focus – in that moment, it also becomes included in your vibrational bubble.

The bottom line is, giving anything attention of any kind includes it in your current vibration.

One of the keys to make the law of attraction work for you lies in keeping your desires within your current vibration – your vibrational bubble.


3 easy steps to get what you want

I wanted to give you a simple version of how you can easily get what you want, wrapped into a 3-step formula.

The first step is identifying your desire – Sounds easy, right? Most people are not very good at knowing what they do want, however, they’re very good at knowing what they don’t want.

The second step is giving your desire attention. It is natural that you receive more of what you give your attention, energy and focus to.

The third step is allowing your desire to materialize. Wondering why you’re not manifesting your desires? The speed at which your desires come to you depends on how much you’re allowing.

I will be following up with posts on every single one of these 3 steps where I go into more detail.


Step 1: Identifying your desire

The very first step in getting guidance from above for you is to be clear and specific about what you want.

The challenge, however, is that most people are not very good at knowing what they do want but they are good at identifying what they don’t want.

Don’t worry, knowing what you don’t want is actually good news, and that will become a useful tool to you.

The moment you identify something in your life that you don’t like, and you spend time complaining about it, talking about it, or declaring that you don’t want it, you are offering a negative vibration to which the law of attraction swiftly responds.

But knowing what you don’t want makes you become clearer about what you do want. Simply ask yourself this: “what is it that I do want?”

The key to getting what you want without getting stuck focusing on what you don’t want is to briefly observe the the contrast-conflict.

The contrast-conflict is anything you don’t like, doesn’t make you feel good, or causes you to be in a negative mood.

Only you can decide how long briefly is.

Generally, the least amount of time you spend putting your attention, energy and focus toward contrast-conflict, the better.

Choose an area in your life that you would like to change.

On Side A, list the things that are troubling you about your situation.

For example, if you are building a contrast-conflict list about your ideal career, your list may include long hours or low payment.

Feel free to refer to a number of past jobs to help you build your list.

Take lots of time to complete this list.

Remember, adding more items to your conflict-contrast list will give you more clarity.

I suggest you add 50-100 items.

Build it up over a few days to ensure that you have thought of all the relevant episodes.

After you have completed building the contrast-conflict list on Side A, read each item and ask yourself “So, what do I want?” and complete Side B of the worksheet.

By using this technique, you will have a better understanding of what you do want (clarity of desire) by listing what you don’t want (contrast-conflict).

After you have reached clarity, simply cross off the matching item of contrast-conflict.