
The Secret of planets

In the following videos, you will discover every aspect about the planets you were curious to know.

We’ll start with Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system.

Jupiter consists mainly of gas and liquid. But don’t let this fool you!
It still has a powerful influence on your life.
And in this short clip, I’ll explain you which:

Next on our list is Mars. Discover why it’s called the “action planet” here:

We continue with Venus. Did you know this planet is all about pleasure?

The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It gives us light and structures our day. But how does it influence your life?

This video gives you the answers you may not have know you’re looking for:

Discover the role the moon plays in astrology and how it influences your life here:

Neptune, named after the Roman god of the sea, is the only planet in the Solar System found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation.

But that don’t underestimate its influence on your life!

This video tells you everything you need to know:

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system.

But don’t underestimate its influence on your life for a second!

In this video I’ll show you what you need to keep in mind:

Even though Pluto has been classified as a “dwarf” planet, you shouldn’t underestimate its influence on your live!

This video will show you what to expect:


  • Joseph Mayer

    A life-long searcher of the truth I have discovered all the answers are within you. All you need to do is listen to HIS voice and the guidance which comes from above. I opened this site to share my experience and insights with you and help you on your way to a better life.

Published by Joseph Mayer

A life-long searcher of the truth I have discovered all the answers are within you. All you need to do is listen to HIS voice and the guidance which comes from above. I opened this site to share my experience and insights with you and help you on your way to a better life.